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Showing posts from August, 2017

Two years is a long time

Two years. Has it really been that long? I can think of a thousand excuses for not writing, but when it comes down to it, I just didn't allow myself time to be creative. And when I look back at all those review posts, it's not like what I was writing was all that inspiring before I needed a break. In two years, I made an overdue career change, became more deeply invested in volunteer work, prioritized time for me and my family, and most recently decided we should suck it up and finish our giant, open, raw basement. Sitting at Bounce World, writing doesn't come easy. Thinking back to when I was younger, recalling the hours spent writing hundreds of pages of creative fiction until college research papers led to writing burnout - I wondered if I still have any writing passion left. I overthink now and was far more carefree as a teenager. That's probably just a part of growing up and getting older. The past few weeks were loud, hectic, and exhausting, but seeing how...